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Types of foundations Zitat vormerken[edit] Antworten The four main types of foundations are listed below. A foundation can be multifunctional or serve only one specific purpose; it all depends on your reasons for creating it.
Charitable Foundations These are usually founded in the interests of protecting the environment, building hospitals, opening schools, etc. and provide a way to invest your money while doing something good for society and/or the environment. You could call it a long-term investment in the future of humanity.
Donate The main purpose of these types of foundations is to receive donations. Donations can be earmarked, i. H. they may only be used in a way that supports the main purpose of the foundation. This purpose can only be changed if the donor agrees. Any terms that would allow the fund to redistribute target donations should be negotiated prior to signing the contract.
Private foundations These are usually set up by a private individual or wealthy family as a wealth and succession management strategy. Most commonly, they are created to plan and control personal savings, funds, and real estate; to avoid forced inheritance; to optimize taxes related to the transfer of real estate, etc.
Corporate foundations These enable companies to structure pension funds, manage employee benefit plans, and accumulate and control income from interest, dividends, royalties, and so on.
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